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We’re Ready! Sept 9, 2012

September 10, 2012

“He’s a totally normal baby on the outside. And a miracle on the inside.” -Aunt Breanda

If nothing bad happens, Oliver is coming home tomorrow! The house is ready, car seat and stroller are set up, prescriptions filled, preemie nipples & Dr Browns bottles bought, cupcakes baked, masses of lifesavers for all the lifesavers delivered by Tom & Brenda, closets are bursting with clothes, Poppy has moved in to her big girl room. This has all been a team effort, thank you to the Whales, my mom, Chris & Sara for all your help getting stuff together this weekend! I can’t even believe it. It’s actually happening. Oliver is coming home. My baby with CDH MADE it. He eats. He breathes. He lives! Tomorrow is going to be the happiest day of my life. I’m thinking maybe even happier than extubation? We are SO excited to be a family! All together! Under one roof! With OLIVER!!! Amazing. Amazing.

I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to run around tomorrow saying goodbye to all the incredible people who saved my baby’s life or if I’m just going to run! This will not be the end of our love affair with Sick Kids. We’ll be back for CDH clinics (monthly at first) and thrombosis clinics. And depending on how crazy I get, the ER might get an unwarranted visit or two. Hopefully I’ll be smart and call Dr Erin first.

We are currently walking around Sick Kids with Oliver in his stroller in his bubble from cousin Eliza. He needs the bubble because people are constantly touching his hands. WHO TOUCHES A BABY’S HANDS?!!! Ew. It’s like sticking your finger in their mouth! You touch their hand, they stick it in their mouth, BAM! They’re sick. I don’t get it. He’s obviously sick, or we wouldn’t be here. And presumably everyone here either has or knows a sick kid. Why are we touching babies hands?! Sorry. Rant. Don’t touch babies hands.

Pray that everything goes smoothly and we actually get to leave and that everything after that goes smoothly too! On top of being a CDH mom I’m also going to be a mom of two now. Never done that before! Wish me luck! Xo

The bubble

The boy!

The goodbyes begin!

Poppy baking for Oliver


Helping Grandma

Sterilized bottles!


Vibrating chair! I was so unsure if I was going to get to use this stuff. It’s a freakin miracle.

Seriously? Seriously, I get to keep him? I can’t wait til you’re all mine Oliver!!!

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  1. Jayme Lunt permalink

    Really I am totally with you on the touching babies hands. When Ryder was a new born I always hated when random strangers would touch him (especially his hands) Now I am not so neurotic but you have a free pass to hang on to the neurosci as long as you want. Hell when Oliver is 30 you can still get ify when folks touch him!! I am so happy for you all! Blessings!!! ❀

  2. Diana Winsor permalink

    This is the best news yet! Yeah for Oliver! You made it and everyone is so glad you did. You are going home. I can’t wait to share this news with all of my friends that have been praying for Oliver. Congrats Mommy, Daddy and Poppy!

  3. Cathy Taylor permalink

    What fantastic news!!! So, so happy for you.
    Love you all…

  4. Tia permalink

    It’s a miracle..he’s such a fighter. No words to express how happy I am for you guys!

  5. Celia permalink

    Best thing I’ve ever read! Congratulations to everyone!!!

  6. Nancy-touched my your story permalink

    Yeah!!!!! So happy for your family!!!! Praying he has a great night and goes home tomorrow!!!:) and yes tell ppl to stop touching baby’s hands!!!!! Lol

    go Ollie go!!!:)

  7. Susan Kwolek permalink

    After many miracles it seems trite to say good luck Best wishes

  8. Shelli Pearce permalink

    I’m from the BBC July board and have followed yours and Ollies story. I’m soooooooo happy for you! Soooo happy for Oliver! This is such awesome news. πŸ™‚ And Oliver is soo precious!
    I know what you mean about the hand thing too. People do that to my baby and it drives me crazy I wish I could put a look but dont touch sticker on his head!
    Congrats mama. πŸ™‚

  9. Aww.. I’m so so happy for you guys!! What a journey… And now you get to continue it – from home!! Yay!!! ❀

  10. Bambie permalink

    What absolutely wonderful news!!! I am in tears reading your post. A simple ‘yay’ doesn’t even begin to express the joy I feel about Oliver going home and you being a family of four UNDER ONE ROOF! Congrats on such a huge milestone!

  11. Pat permalink

    That’s wonderful news! I wish Oliver and all of you the very best. Happy homecoming!!!! Pat (Mer’s sis-in-law).

  12. Christine permalink

    So happy for you and your family! Wishing you all the best!

  13. Laura permalink

    SO good!!!! Happy, happy tears πŸ™‚

  14. Congratulations, Wessons! πŸ™‚ Home day is one of Samuel’s birth-days! There is his Birthday, his Surgery Day, his Breath-day (extubation) and his Home day. That was the day that he was really ours, not part ours and part the hospital’s, but ALL OURS!!! So exciting. I’m so pleased for you, for Oliver, for all of you. Love!!!

  15. Valerie permalink

    Thank You Jesus!!!! Congratulations!!!! #teamoliver (all babies cdh or otherwise need that bubble)

  16. Touched by your story permalink

    wow. wishing you and Oliver and your whole family lots of love, health and happiness in this new chapter. I hope to meet you all one day and to hold Oliver myself. But I won’t touch his hands. Sending many many hugs and tears and good wishes. Enjoy the day tomorrow.

  17. Alex it just seems like yesterday we both met on the baby center community and were being so scared and today you are claiming your baby and I am soooooooooooooooo happy for you all to be a family together. Good luck with everything. amazing Ollie!!!

  18. Mom of two permalink

    You finally get to take your miracle baby home-the one place he truly belongs!! That is SO exciting Alex!!! You, of all people, should not be worried how you’ll do with two kids at home because you are an incredible mother and of course you’ll do an amazing job. Just sayin’. πŸ™‚
    I recognize the stroller btw (have the same for my two kids in diamond colour :)), and I have to tell you it’s awesome! Great choice!! I also have the same vibrating bouncer-something I found super useful when my daughter wouldn’t sleep at all in her crib the first two months lol…
    Ps. Picture of Poppy baking-priceless, she is sooooo cute! And Ollie looks adorable and so ready to go home! Fingers crossed that it all goes well tonight and you get to go home tomorrow!!

  19. raffelsol permalink

    SO excited for you!!! and your miracle baby!!! and your family!!! Prayers that all keeps going in a good forward movement.

  20. Mom of two permalink

    Oh yeah, the whole touching babies’ hands-a big no no…they are so delicate and don’t need other people’s germs…i totally agree with you on that topic…

  21. Lani permalink

    Hooray! This is the best news ever! So happy for your family Alex!! ❀

  22. Gwyneth Howell permalink

    So pleased to hear this news, from someone far far away whom you have never met, just delighted :)) Thanks to Sheldon for keeping me posted and for your family I wish you a lifetime of love and joy!

  23. Jessica permalink

    So, so, so excited for you and your Oliver. My Oliver and I send best wishes for an uneventful discharge and smooth transition home!

  24. lyn permalink

    I am so happy for you and your amazingly, handsome, miracle, baby boy!!! I’m so glad you posted pictures of his room, so I can think of him safely nestled in his home!! Home!! How wonderful. GOD is great πŸ™‚

  25. lyndsey baker (syme) permalink

    we are just so incredibly happy for you and your family!!! what a miracle!!!!!!!

  26. Amy permalink

    Yay! So happy for you and your family!!! What a wonderful miracle you have in Oliver and in the strength of you and your husband. God bless you and keep you all safe. πŸ’—

  27. Elinor Halpern permalink

    A gift from God.

  28. paula cooper permalink

    So excited for all of you. When we did the big exit we almost felt like we were stealing him…just walking out with a baby in a car seat like any other family the day they take their kid home, but after having him being taken care of by others for so long it felt so strange. I am thrilled for you that within in a week you will once again know what it feels like to be a sleep deprived mama feeding her baby around the clock (with the help of your reflux friendly Dr. Brown bottles) and it will never have felt so good to feel so tired. Praying for an easy exit on Monday and a smooth transition for Oliver and your whole family. Hop.e you have room in your freezer for all the milk you have been storing at the hospital πŸ™‚

  29. Such wonderful news for the Wesson family! It’s great that Ollie will now begin to experience life “from the comforts of home.” Please don’t stop blogging, Alex – at least once in a while if not every day. I am sure your community of supporters wants to continue to follow Oliver’s progress. God bless you all.

  30. Kate permalink

    I’m so happy for you guys I could cry! Have a wonderful journey home! A start to real life with Oliver!

  31. Yvonne Causer permalink

    This is the most incredible news! So happy and excited for all of you. I can almost feel the happiness in the hearts in your family right now.

  32. Joan Tyler. permalink

    I am shedding tears of joy and now it is time again to thank God for this great miracle.
    So very happy for you and Tim, Alex… will be different for you now.

  33. JPMB permalink

    So thrilled to read this< wishing your family and baby Oliver all the best. Its an incredible feeling to be praying for someone you dont even know, thinking of you all.

  34. Tanya permalink

    WOW- goosebumps and tears and all. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can beat this news……OMG, so excited on so many levels……sometimes society gets a bad wrap b/c it’s mostly all we hear is bad stuff…..but at every point, Oliver’s story is just opposite- ppl coming together doing great things, not just b/c it’s their job, but they love it…..the compassion in this entire story is chillingly thrilling <- not even sure if those words go together, but I don't care…….you get it :). On so many levels, this is the BEST news, a great family is even greater now and is getting over this major bump in the road with the support and love of family, doctors and friends and new online friends…'s just comin up roses girl, take it in and enjoy

  35. I am so happy for all of you. You certainly deserve this day. Enjoy it, you will remember it forever! You have a true fighter and a warrior. I’m so glad you get to see this day and many happy days after. I hope you all have a wonderful night filled with peaceful sleep tonight. Though I didn’t sleep a wink the first night. I just watched Jack’s chest rhythmically raise and lower with every breath. The little things. right?

  36. Marco permalink

    Awesome news, lol loved the hand rant.. its so true. Why do people want to touch my son’s hands.. stay away!! πŸ™‚

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